Sunday, May 13, 2007

Irvine Welsh in town!

We're all recovering from a late night hosting Irvine Welsh at the Highland Inn. About a hundred folks showed up to celebrate the rare appearance of Welsh in Atlanta. Rare, as in the first. Hubcap City kicked off the night with some great music as well. A Cappella Books has some signed copies of his new book The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs (in both hardcover and paperback), as well as signed paperbacks of Trainspotting and his play, Babylon Heights. Visit A Cappella Books for more information on how to grab a copy.

1 comment:

Reedyb said...

Wow! What a night!

I must say that the single girl selling the books was amazingly hot!

Too bad Mr. Welsh didn't make it over to the Clairmont Lounge afterwards, but I did hear that he made it to the Yacht Club and had a G & T with some folks before being overwhelmed by indifference and the promise of an early bed.

Tons of fun!

Now I have to go spot some trains.